Due to stock take, delivery of physical items may be delayed. We appreciate your patience!
To open the sign in form, click on the green 'Sign In' button in the top right-hand corner.
Fill out the sign in form using the details you created your account with.
(Email and password)
You will notice the sign in button has disappeared and is displaying your profile name.
Clicking on your profile name gives you access to a variety of functions, all of which will be explained below, click on each of these options to access them.
From here you can edit your profile as well as view your library and manage your notes or bookmarks.
From here you can view your active and expired book licenses as well as redeem vouchers and view your order history.
Here you can search, view and add notes on any of your ebooks.
Here you see a list of dictionaries, by going into these you can search up words of different languages.
If you attempt to sign in and a message displays saying your username or password is incorrect, you may have made a mistake or CAPSLOCK WAS ON BY ACCIDENT. Please try to log in again
If you have forgotten your password (or username), on the sign in form, click 'Forgot Your Password?'. This will take you to a page to enter your email. This email will display your username and give you the option to reset your password.