Ace It! Afrikaans First Additional Language Grade 9 Cover

Ace It! Afrikaans First Additional Language Grade 9

Hardcopy ISBN : 9781920356446
Stock : 1464 units
Ebook ISBN : 9780796091581

Studying for Afrikaans can feel intimidating – there’s so much to learn and you don’t always understand it. Ace It! Afrikaans First Additional Language Grade 9 can help you feel less nervous about it all. All of the content that you need to be familiar with for your tests and exams is presented in a logical and easy-to-learn way. Ace It! Afrikaans First Additional Language Grade 9 has broken down the content into clear sections and sub-sections. This means that you can work through the study guide at your own pace, making sure that you fully understand what’s required from you from each section. By the time you get to your exams, you’ll recognise what you’re meant to do and be able to answer the questions like a pro!

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Ebook File Size : 3.16