Author | : Jill Cadle, Tom Campbell, Ravin Gayadeen, Kate Ter-Morshuizen, Rod Sherwood |
Hardcopy ISBN | : 9780796045591 |
Stock | : 2852 units |
Ebook ISBN | : 9780796050298 |
This book is part of the branded Shuters Top Class series which has the following features: • Covers all the requirements of the CAPS document for each subject • Offers step-by-step guidance for the teacher • Has a simple, user-friendly page design • Provides a Teacher's Guide and extra resources for the teacher in a Pack Your Shuters Top Class Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 6 Learner's Book: • covers all the work you are expected to learn in this Grade • is written in simple language to help you learn and understand your work easily • has a wide range of hands-on experiments and investigations • has step-by-step guidelines to help you carry out activities successfu I ly • has carefully chosen pictures and illustrations to help you understand your work better • explains new and difficult words on the pages where these words are used Available components Shuters Top Class Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 6 Learner's Book Shuters Top Class Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 6 Teacher's Resource Pack